Thursday, December 23, 2010

10K Gold in 10 Minutes?

20K Leveling Guide Top Secret Item

This is an image I just took from world of warcraft after selling a top secret item for 10 minutes and coming back to see how many had sold 40 minutes later. What happened next shocked me... when I opened my mailbox I had 10,000 gold waiting for me! I had absolutely no idea this was going to work so well! I I immediately went to work outlining how you can do this on your own server with a very clever technique I developed on the fly for selling these simple items.

The best part about this gold making secret is that no one expects them to sell, so they go mostly overlooked.

If you are already an owner of 20k Leveling then you may have just read my entry about this secret in the professions section (chapter 4, page 4). If you aren't, what are you waiting for? The guide gets updated with great tips like this one constantly, and for you newer auctioneers who are struggling with the concepts I preach on a day to day basis, I have provided a new chapter to the guide with a 10 day series of tasks for you to complete in order to better understand making gold like I do. This way you won't be overwhelmed by 500 strategies at once and can instead focus each day on learning something new and exciting that actually works to make you gold.

I currently have 5 professions maxed out and am working towards the final few in order to provide the best content possible for the guide. I hope you are all having fun making gold in cataclysm and I wish you all the best!
